The Nugget in Japan Home Pics Guestbook

Halloween Party

Jamie, Kelly, Yours Truly.
Well...As I said on the main page......these costumes aren't exactly suited to Halloween......but nobody seemed to care. And if you cant figure out exactly what I am supposed to be......dont worry. I still dunno what I was......70's pimp cross Luigi is my best guess. Cost about $4 to put together so who cares!

Here is Carsten doing his best to pass himself off as a Japanese schoolgirl. No need to mention that he failed miserably. Although he did manage to walk away with the award for 2nd best costume of the night.

Des and her man went as the crocodile hunter and a crocodile. However she managed to get free and attack krysy. Even though she was being attacked by a gator that looks suspiciously like a dinosaur krysy still managed to bust out a smile.

Eric the samurai, Pete the pirate and me the 70's greek nintendo pimp ........minus the moustache........weird combination.

The bar, Maisen, was only the 60 or so ppl that were there spilled out on the street. The cops came at one stage and tried to herd us back inside but there wasnt much room in there so we ended up back out the front.