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Well....I may as well start with my favourite car of the show...the
2003 Ferrari Enzo. Now I'm not a huge car fan but this car looks
awesome from the front and rear. #1 in my books.

Click on this car to see another pic of it.
Never has an Audi looked this good. The Audi Le Mans Quattro is a fine
looking automobile.

Click on this car to see another pic of it.
This time it was Alfa Romeo's turn to show off. The '8C Competizione'
is not quite up to the standard of some of the other jaw droppers but
still very impressive.

They had a whole section, the size of the exhibition centre in melbourne,
devoted solely to motorbikes. This was one of the most modern looking
bikes there, without looking to weird.

You can't go anywhere in Japan without seeing odd 'engrish'. This is
no exception. Why anyone would name a car 'Broccoli' I don't know. And
this poor model......I bet the other chix at the show weren't exactly
vying for positions as the 'Brocolli' model.

The 'Cadillac Sixteen' is definately in my top 5 cars at the show.
Those rims are HUGE......and the car just looks mean!
The 1000hp, 13.6L, V16 engine certainly helps reinforce this cars beastly

I'd like to say Krys looks at home on a Harley.....but.....well.....
something about this pic just looks wrong.

This Merc was the first car that krys really liked at the show. She
ran over to it and got all excited!! I'm not sure of the price tag
but I got a funny feeling, even given krysy's riches, it will
be a while before she can afford it.

Well.....here is my #2 favourite car of the show, the 2003 Porsche
Carrera GT .The rear styling of this car is awesome but with a price
tag of US$450,000 I won't be able to get one til next Christmas!

Click on this car to see the hydrogen intake valve.
Now this car is cool.....doesn't look like much more than a regular
RX8 with a few stickers. Guess again! This is the new twin rotor, prototype
'Mazda RX8 RENESIS'. The car uses two injectors in each rotor housing to
put hydrogen directly into the intake chambers. Thats right! This car
can run on hydrogen and instead of emitting dangerous gasses it emits
steam and/or water. This model is able to switch from regular fuel to
hydrogen with the flick of a switch. Pure class!

Click on this car to see another pic of it.
This is Krysy's favourite car at the show. The Mercedes SLR Mclaren.
Funky doors and sleek styling.

Click on this car to see another pic of it.
The 2003 Lamborghini Gallardo has a kinda boxy style that I didnt really
like at first....however....the more I looked at it the more I liked
it. Makes my top 5.