The Nugget in Japan Home Pics Guestbook


It is very tempting to make the all too common mistake of adding a running commentary to a photo album. However I shall resist and hope that whoever is looking at this photo can deduce that it is indeed a photo of Krystelle and that wet thing behind her is most definately a pond.

There were many trees like this on the trail to the old Samurai houses. Unfortunately the houses were closed as it was a Monday, but I will be back one day to see them. Thats Derek by the of the many annoying Canadians hanging around! :P

This garden was around the side of a cemetery that we found on the way to the samurai houses.

On the same trail to the samurai houses.

When standing on a tree stump, such as the one pictured, could one think of a more impressive pose to strike? I think not!

I have this picture as my windows background at the moment. This would have to be my favourite picture that I have taken thus far.